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we love dokaka

  • Beautiful Bells (Jingle for Radio Show)


Dokaka is a Japanese beatboxer who performs music solely by multitracking his own voice, generally with one instrument per track. (That is, he records himself mimicking the bass part to a song, then records himself mimicking the drum part in sync with the first recording, and so on.)
He has distributed his recordings primarily as free downloads from his website; these include interpretations of works by King Crimson, Led Zeppelin, Wes Montgomery, Slayer, the Rolling Stones, and Miles Davis, among many others.
He largely records covers of heavy metal, prog, jazz and videogame theme music.


He distributed his music not only through his own website, but also through IUMA and where independent artists like him can have an opportunity to act freely on the net. In this way, his name had gradually spread out to mostly Europe and USA.
His first real-world connection was an invitation from the Seattle radio show called Andy Savage Morning Show, its host Andy Savage really liked his Nirvana cover song, Smells Like Teen Spirit. His first live performance was at this point, in Seattle USA, hosted by Andy Savage!
In 2002 (or 2003), his Slayer’s cover song, Angel of Death was picked up at the New Jersey’s radio show WFMU-FM 91.1, and one of Bjork’s friends Matmos listened to his music on the radio and introduced it to Bjork.
Thus, Dokaka’s first major appearance was on Bjork’s Medulla album (2004), followed by Katamari on the Rocks, the soundtrack to the video game We Love Katamari (2005).
In 2009, he released his first full official album called Human Interface, followed by the self-release Six CDs called The Dokaka Discography, which was produced only 100 copies and distributed from Japanese DIW Records (2010).
In 2011, he released self DIY Six DVDs collection, which was sold on his website as well as under the Japanese record label only for 50 copies, and the dvd sources were well-selected from some past live perfomances, video travel memoirs, multi angle materials, and pre-YouTuber like videography. (Example Shoot)

During 2010-2013, Dokaka’s voice also appeared on several Japanese TV commercials.
For example, HUMANTRUST, J!NS, and NEC. In 2014, his almost 60 times overdubbed multi-track sound has appeared on Japanese anime called Space Dandy, the song is titled Hey Wha which was used in the episode 9.


As a five-year-old child, Dokaka hummed along with melodies on television, but one day plugged headphones into the TV, discovering that the sounds in his head matched those piping through the headphones.
He quickly realized that songs consist of many parts like bass, drums, etc. Within a year, he began to record himself humming.
Mostly he loved to listen to TV, Moive Theme, and game music in his early years. Also, he liked Japanese train sound and used to imitate its sound and hum.

At 18, Dokaka started drumming in bands, and four years later stumbled upon his childhood recordings, reigniting his interest in humming.
He was first heard humming by others when his band’s bassist missed practice, so he hummed the bassline. The band’s singer found the humming catchy and recommended professional recording.
At that time, he bought MTR (Multi Track Recorder) and recorded his own voices and studied its mechanical system.
Dokaka financed and produced his own recordings and uploaded them to the internet. He dubbed himself with the onomatopoeic name “Dokaka”, which is derived from the relatively slow tom tom shifting sound, typically appeared in the many 70s rock bands. (Example 1, Example 2)

Persona Diagram

└───As Musician
    │── Mouth Music
    │── Playing Drums
    │── Entertainer (Persona-01)
    └───As Shinya Ihara (Persona-02)
    │   │── Serious Person
    │   │── Moderate Incel Character
    │   └───
    │       │── difficulty with Integration
    │           => {Persona-01 and Persona-02}
    └───After Covid-19
    │    │── Search of New Style for Adaptation
    │    │── Focus onto Human Maturation rather
    │    │   than Instagrammable Desolation
    │    └─── Wonderfully Balanced between
    │        │   IT, Nature, Music, and Covid-19  
    │        │── Away from Egocentric Living 
    │            and Thank God!

Sample Video

Live Show Sample

Manhattan, New York,
on the street interview upon Bjork’s Medulla recording




そして、彼が最初にメディアに登場したのはシアトルのラジオ番組「アンディ・サヴェージ・モーニング・ショー」であった。番組のホスト、アンディは、彼が作ったニルヴァーナのカバー曲、Smells Like Teen Spiritを非常に気に入っていた。アンディの主催でシアトルで初のライブパフォーマンスを果たす。
その後、2002年か2003年だったか記憶に定かではないが、彼の作ったスレイヤーのカバー曲、Angel of Deathがアメリカ・ニュージャージー州のラジオ局WFMU-FM 91.1で取り上げられる。それを聞いた音楽家のマトモスが、彼の友人でもあったビョークにDokakaのことを紹介した。

2009年、初の自身名義フルアルバム「Human Interface」を発売。その後2010年には、かつてのカバー曲などを集めて作った6枚組セルフDIYアルバム「The Dokaka Discography」を発表。この6枚組CDは100セットのみの販売となり、ディスクユニオンのDIWレーベルからインディーズとして販売された。
2011年には、完全自作6枚組DVD-BOXも発売。これまでのライブパフォーマンスに加えて、 セルフィー旅行記、マルチアングル作品、ユーチューバー前夜を感じさせる面白ビデオなどが収録され、こちらはウェブサイトおよびDIWレーベルからの販売で、50部のみ生産された。(サンプル映像

また彼は2010年から2013年の間、日本のテレビCMにもいくつか作品を提供した。(HUMANTRUST, J!NS, NECなど)
2014年には、アニメ「スペース・ダンディ」の第9話に彼の楽曲が登場。この曲は「Hey Wha」と名付けられ、彼が言うには約60回オーバーダビングを繰り替えしたそうである(監督からそうしろと言われた。)




MTRで声を録音することの楽しみに加えて、MTRの多重録音の仕組みにも興味を示し、本格的にPCでレコーディングをしてみたいと思うようになる。2001年、Power Mac G4 Quick Silverを約20万円をはたいて購入し、PCでの多重録音に完全移行する。せっかくなのでホームページも作成し、自分の音源をアップロード。
その時初めてホームページ上でDOKAKA(ドカカ)を名乗る。ドカカの名前は、70年代ロックでしばしばみられる、わりと低速なドラムのタム回しが「ドカカ」に聞こえることから名付けられた。(低速タム回しサンプル1, 低速タム回しサンプル2

  • GitHub
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  • YouTube
  • The Dokaka Discography
  • Human Interface